These days, there are plenty of ways to earn some extra cash on the side. A quick online search will give you tons of options and tips to get started. Still, one big challenge that’s often overlooked is the time and effort a side gig demands. If you’re looking to pay off debts, save more, invest, or just need extra income for other reasons, you want your side gig to be manageable, not overwhelming.
It’s important to keep a balance to avoid burnout. At one point, I was working an extra 15 to 20 hours a week on top of my regular 40-hour job. It could have been exhausting, but I figured out ways to manage my time and energy, helping me keep going without burning out.
Have you found a side gig you like but don’t know how to fit it into your schedule? Here are some tips to help you out.
**Stay Organized**
Start by getting organized. This helps you prioritize your time and energy by making it clear what needs to be done and when. Figure out when you’re most focused and set aside a specific time for your side gig. Using a planner and making daily task lists can keep you on track.
Also, don’t forget to plan for unpaid tasks like promoting your services, answering emails, commuting, or invoicing if you’re freelancing. It’s important to be strategic about how to get these things done efficiently.
**Save Time**
We all waste time on something. If you have a side gig, maximizing your time is critical. You should cut out activities that hold you back.
A good starting point is reducing TV time. If you watch TV for two hours every night, that adds up to 10 hours a week. Cutting that in half gives you an extra 5 hours. You might also cut down on endless social media scrolling or time spent on video games. Other options include meal planning to reduce dinner prep time or outsourcing chores like laundry. Review your daily activities and see which ones can be trimmed or streamlined to make more room for your side gig.
**Set a Time**
Figure out the best time for you to work. You’re either a morning person or a night owl. I’m an early bird, so I preferred to get up at 5 am and keep my evenings free for family time. This might seem extreme, but if you’re more productive at night, consider working on your side gig then. Just make sure it fits with your productivity levels to get the best results.
Don’t skimp on sleep to squeeze in your side gig. You need about 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. This is essential when balancing a full-time job and a side gig. Not getting enough sleep will make you grumpy and unproductive, wasting more of your time. Use the tips above to figure out when to wrap up your day. Tasks can always wait until tomorrow.
**Pick a Gig You Love**
Doing a side gig that you’re not interested in is draining. Since you’ll be spending a lot of time on it, your side gig should be something you enjoy.
The nature of your job can heavily affect your energy and motivation. If your main job doesn’t satisfy your creative needs, your side gig could be the perfect creative outlet. Find something you’re good at and love doing. This will make working on it easier and might even improve your overall health.
Have you found a side gig? Struggling to find the time and energy to work on it?