Having debt isn’t always a bad thing. Most people can’t afford to pay upfront for big expenses like education, cars, or homes. If you manage your debt well and pay your bills on time, your credit score will improve, making it easier for banks to lend you money when needed.
But life can be unpredictable, and events like job loss, divorce, or a family tragedy can seriously affect your finances and your ability to pay back debts. In these tough times, lenders usually try to work out a new payment plan with you. If that doesn’t work and you miss payments for a long time, your debt gets classified as bad debt, and creditors might bring in collection agencies to recover the money.
Finding people who haven’t paid their debts can be tricky. Moving to a new address, even in a different state, doesn’t erase your debt. Collection agencies are motivated to track you down using databases with publicly available records. This practice is completely legal since the information is public.
However, public records alone sometimes aren’t enough to find someone. That’s where companies specializing in collecting public data come in handy. They help lenders and other agencies find individuals who owe money. These companies pull data from phone records, property listings, surveys, and more, scanning through millions of Australian records to locate the person.
A Person Locator service can legally and simply find people who’ve moved, bought or rented a home, or started a mobile phone service. These databases use various data points like birth year, past addresses, or old names to pinpoint someone’s current location. One of the best features of these databases is that they regularly update their multiple data sources. So, if one piece of information is outdated, other sources can still provide the right address and contact number.