Getting ready for a new baby doesn’t mean you have to break the bank. Buying used items can really help you save, but there are some things, like car seats, that need extra attention when purchasing secondhand.
Car Seat Safety
Legally, it’s not allowed to sell a car seat that has been in a crash, but sometimes people unknowingly do this. Even if sellers on sites like Craigslist or at yard sales seem genuine, there’s always a slight risk with used car seats. It’s best to get these from people you know and trust.
In the past three years, there have been many car seat recalls, so make sure to research thoroughly before buying one. For safety, take any car seat older than a year (even if you’ve only used it yourself) to your local fire department. They can check it and tell you if it’s still safe.
Car Seat Expirations
Most car seat manufacturers recommend replacing seats after six years. Though some might think this is unnecessary, the materials can wear out over time, especially with regular use or long storage. The plastic and straps can weaken due to usage and varying weather conditions.
Insurance Factors
No one expects to get into a car accident, especially with a baby on board. However, if an accident does happen, insurance companies might not support using older or previously damaged car seats. Many insurers won’t cover a new seat if the old one had issues.
Saving Money on Car Seats
While it’s not recommended to buy used car seats, there are other ways to save money. Look for deals at stores like Target, Babies R Us, and Amazon. Babies R Us offers a trade-in event twice a year, where you can exchange used gear for 25% off a new item. You can also ask family and friends for help in getting a car seat when they ask what you need for the baby.
When planning for a baby, there are many safe and creative ways to cut costs, like buying secondhand clothes and toys or choosing to breastfeed and make your own baby food. However, when it comes to safety, don’t compromise your child’s wellbeing for the sake of saving money.