Dealing with debt is one of the biggest financial hurdles many people face. Wanting to get rid of debt quickly is a positive mindset, but it’s crucial to avoid some costly mistakes…
Author: Justin
“Seven Exceptional Ways to Save on Car Insurance”
It’s common knowledge that sensible driving, maintaining good credit, and excelling in school can help drivers secure better car insurance deals. But which auto insurance discounts are the best? Here are seven…
Embracing a Progressive Approach to Self-Guided Investing
From the moment you were born, your parents taught you essential life skills like walking, talking, and taking care of yourself. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone could guide you in handling…
Are Bonds a Stable Investment Choice?
Sure, bonds can be a safe investment if you buy one, hold onto it for its entire term, and get a decent interest income, provided the borrower doesn’t default. However, there are…
Is It Time to Elevate Your Side Hustle into a Full-Time Business Venture?
Living costs always seem to be on the rise, causing many people to struggle to get by on just one income. This has led to more and more people taking on side…
How Increasingly Severe Natural Disasters Are Shaping Global Insurance Premiums
At its peak, Hurricane Katrina reached Category 5 intensity in the Gulf of Mexico. Natural disasters have always been a threat to humanity, with history documenting everything from ice ages to volcanic…
8 Must-Have Deals You Should Snap Up on Black Friday
As Thanksgiving approaches, another beloved American tradition is just around the corner: Black Friday. This annual event excites bargain hunters and holiday shoppers who brave the cold to snag incredible discounts. With…
Essential Technical Tools for Stock Market Analysis
W.D. Gann observed that over 90% of traders who enter the market without proper preparation or knowledge often face significant losses. One valuable tool in deciding whether to buy or sell is…
Compelling Motivations for Embarking on Your Investment Pathway During College
Many students will agree that their financial situation in college isn’t exactly overflowing. Often, you’ll hear students talking about being “financially strained” because they have to juggle school and part-time work, which…
Five Smart Strategies for Cutting Costs on Family Car Insurance
Remember the excitement of your first car? Mine was my dad’s old car, a hand-me-down, but that didn’t bother me at all. What mattered was the fun of going on road trips…